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The Untimely Death of Rupert Brooke

Brooke was the ‘Golden Boy’ of the Georgian poets: WB Yeats famously referred to him as ‘the handsomest young man in England’

a photo of Tintern Abbey

Museums at Night or a Night at the Museum?

We all know a museum. Big or small they’re full of old stuff. You went there when you were a child, and you probably felt you had to keep quiet. You walked around, and you looked at some ‘artefacts’ and some displays. They were probably pretty interesting but you may not remember much about them? […]

Ed Miliband

The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

The SNP’s almost total victory in Scotland should mean that more devolution of power will come their way, which will raise issues of legitimacy for any government formed in England.

David Cameron

Election 2015: What Happens to Education Now?

No one was expecting a quick or clear result from the election, so we were told. Yet in the end, that’s more or less what we’ve got. But with a government that has so easily managed to keep the keys to number 10, what should we now expect to happen in education? And what would […]

Lady Justice statue

The British Economy: Sinking or Swimming?

The overall picture is that Britain continues to rely heavily on imported manufactured goods with an economy far too wedded to households retaining trade and credit.

Series of solar eclipse

Solar Eclipses through Time

Until Kepler, cultures had come up with a variety of explanations to try and understand why the Sun temporarily vanished from the sky.

Memorial to King Richard III if England

The Rebirth of Richard III

What is surprising, however, is that the crowds in Leicester this weekend did not seem bothered by whether Richard was or was not responsible for their deaths of the two princes.

School image

Small is Beautiful – or is it?

This is a story about primary schools. You know, places where young children go to learn, play, make friends and spend part of the day with devoted teachers who may be firm but are always fair. These schools are very often associated with sunny English villages – the ones with a green – or round […]

Hans Holbein

The Fall of the Wolf, the Sickness of a King

With Henry’s words of regret in mind, it can plausibly be argued that the irrational decision to execute Cromwell was the direct result of his failing physical and mental capacities.

Opinion piece: On the merit of GCSEs

Opinion: Is More Free Schools a good idea?

Studies into the performance of free primary and secondary schools maintain that it is too early yet to comment on results in public examinations.

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