When it comes to job satisfaction, people tend to vary on what they consider to be important in their daily working life. While some may see salary as being of key importance, opportunities for progression can also play a large role in how happy people generally feel at work.
As a way to determine the job satisfaction of the general public, Oxford Open Learning has conducted a survey to find out exactly what is considered important to feel content with your work. After asking over 2,000 people, salary remained the most essential factor when discussing job satisfaction, while the level of stress, job security and the type of benefits the job offers were also fairly crucial in determining a person’s happiness when at work.
The survey provides a great insight into the areas of the UK that are most dissatisfied with their work, as well as people’s likeliness to air such complaints, and their priorities when it comes to their job.
How satisfied are you with your job? Why not have a look at the press release or, for those who like data, the full Yougov survey results.