Andrew Bateson, Author at Oxford Open Learning

Articles by Andrew Bateson

Andrew Bateson is 57 years old and initially trained as a Geologist. He has been a secondary school teacher for 22 years teaching Chemistry and Science to 11 to 18 year olds. Previously he worked in the Ceramic industry in research and development and then management. He has experience of both the independent and state sectors, teaching in single sex and mixed sex schools. As a Union Rep., he followed educational policy closely throughout his teaching career. He has retired from teaching to continue working with OOL and to retrain as a Psychotherapist.


Opinion: Knowledge is Power… or is it?

The same people who vote on new bills or get promoted to minister or secretary of state, make idealogical decisions on how major systems should function with no clear idea about what goes on.

Earth from outer space

Knowing subjects, Knowing life: Science

I despair when I hear people say that they hate science, because they reap the benefits of it every day.


Opinion: EBac: Which side are you on?

Schools can resist the EBac, but at the cost of never being considered outstanding by Ofsted.

Opinion: Ofsted Ditches Inspectors

Unfortunately, the better attitude of making small changes, to more gradually improve the system, does not seem to be an option.

Doomsday Science: Asteroid Day, 30th June

It is generally believed to be the case that the dinosaurs and vast numbers of other species were wiped out by a large asteroid hitting Earth on the Yucatan peninsula about 65 million years ago.

Series of solar eclipse

Solar Eclipses through Time

Until Kepler, cultures had come up with a variety of explanations to try and understand why the Sun temporarily vanished from the sky.

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Emotional Intelligence, Vulnerability and the Brain: Part 2

Vulnerability is a central part of being alive and being human.

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Emotional Intelligence, Vulnerability and the Brain : Part 1

The expression of emotions and personal stories being heard promotes pupils’ capacity for rational learning.

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Opinion: Setting in Schools

Setting is to be encouraged but left to the individual schools to organise as they see fit.

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What is a Well-rounded Education?

It is a curious that being a good friend is thought of as being a skill to be learned.

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