English A level - Distance Learning | Oxford Open Learning

English A level Distance Learning

Course Price

A level English Key Facts

  • PRICE: £525
  • TIME REQUIRED: 700 hours
  • EXAMS: Summer Only
  • Available as an AS level specification AQA 7701
English A level Distance Learning

English A level

This English Language A level course matches the AQA specification for examination in June 2022 and later years.

This course has been designed to match the new AQA English Language Specification 7701/7702.  This brand new specification has been designed to allow students to develop a wide range of skills.  These include

  • critical reading
  • data analysis
  • evaluation
  • the ability to develop and sustain arguments
  • writing skills

The skills developed are invaluable in the work place and will greatly aid students progress to any form of future study.

Module One- Introduction to Language Analysis: Language Frameworks

Module one of the course introduces you to the analytical frameworks used in linguistic study; lexis, semantics, grammar, phonology and discourse. This approach is sometimes referred to as ‘language as system’.

Module Two: Textual Variations and Representations

Building on language frameworks from Module One: Modes of Address. These are ways into individual texts to help you develop a firm understanding of how language is used in a  particular context.

Module Three: Language Diversity

Module Three of the course introduces you to the sociolinguistic frameworks used in linguistic study

Module Four: Language Discourses

Students will study a range of texts that convey attitudes to language diversity and change. The texts will include those written for non-specialist audiences. Students will explore how texts are produced to convey views and opinions about language issues. They will evaluate how texts represent language, constructing an identity for the producer. The connections to wider language discourses will be examined.

Module Five: Language in Action: Investigating Language

The lessons in this module are designed to support you in your preparation for the first element of the ‘Language in Action’ coursework unit, the Language Investigation. This forms an integral part of the A-level assessment.

Module Six: Understanding Children’s Language Development

This module is concerned with how children acquire language

Module Seven: Applying Theories of Language Development to Analysis of Speech and Writing

This module is concerned with the development of children’s literacy. The lesson begins by considering the relationship between literacy and the development of spoken language. Models of early and emergent literacy from the field of cognitive development are explored. some of the main aspects of early literacy development are identified. There are opportunities to examine examples of emergent writing from domestic and formal settings.

Module Eight: Language in Action – Original Writing

The original writing element of your coursework folder will allow you to demonstrate your practical and creative language skills. You may produce a piece of work which is either fiction or non-fiction. Work may include articles and texts designed to be spoken.

Module Nine: Introduction to Language Change

Change is taken to refer to the ways in which language develops over time diachronic change, while diversity is used to refer to varied uses of English at any given time also known as synchronic change.

Module Ten: Evaluating Language Change

Module ten builds on the knowledge and skills developed in Module Three (Sociolinguistics). Sociolinguistics is the study of language and society. In this module, you examine the rich variety of English in use today.

The Full A level is examined by two written examinations of 2 hours and 30 minutes and two pieces of coursework.

Paper 1: Language, the individual and society – 100 Marks 40% of the A level

What’s assessed

• Textual variations and representations
• Children’s language development (0 – 11 years)
• Methods of language analysis are integrated into the activities

Paper 2: Language diversity and change – 100 Marks 40% of the A level

What’s assessed

• Language diversity and change
• Language discourses
• Writing skills
• Methods of language analysis are integrated into the activities

Non-exam assessment: Language in action – 3500 words, 100 marks 20% of the A level

What’s assessed

• Language investigation
• Original writing
• Methods of language analysis are integrated into the activities


Students produce:
• a language investigation (2,000 words excluding data)
• a piece of original writing and commentary  (1,500 words total)

Please note that the marking and moderation of NEA (coursework) by OOL tutors is included in the course fees – this is not true of other providers.

Students would normally be expected to have a minimum of 4 GCSE passes at grade C/4 and above. This course is very technical and students should have a grade B/6 or above in GCSE English Language.


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