Blog - News & Advice | Oxford Open Learning

When England Cancelled Christmas

Constables were given power to examine the contents of ovens and to confiscate dishes deemed festive…


America And The Constitution

The American Constitution was written in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1787.


Why Don’t We Feel The Speed Of Earth’s Rotation?

Since we’re traveling at a mind-boggling 67,000 mph, shouldn’t we feel some sense of movement?

Wolf Hall

How Historically Accurate Is Wolf Hall?

Small inaccuracies, especially in props or dialogue, are sometimes inevitable.


Alzheimer’s And Brain Microbiomes

Recent research has suggested that the brain may possess its own unique microbiome that could impact the health of the brain and is redefining our understandings in neuroscience.


Seasonal Psychology

While colder weather may cause peoples’ moods to plunge, warmer weather is thought to increase irritability and the chances of violence.


Maps And Their Historical Development

The Mercator and Peters projection models of mapping remain among the best-known.

The Magna Carta

The Signing Of The Magna Carta

The Magna Carta enforced the ideals of justice, stating that everyone was entitled to a fair trial and therefore couldn’t be unlawfully imprisoned or stripped of their land or property.


What Is Biodiversity?

The extinction of species worldwide is an indicator of biodiversity loss and currently, it’s declining faster than ever before.

The Northern Lights

The Northern Lights

Nights following a new moon, when it is darkest or barely visible, provide the best opportunity to see the northern lights.

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