Gavin Crewe, Author at Oxford Open Learning

Articles by Gavin Crewe

The grandfather paradox

The Grandfather Paradox

This concept has been much explored in literature and film since as far back as the 1920s, perhaps famously in “Back to the Future”.


The Impact Of Environment On Health

The modern-day natural environment we live in is very different to the one our grandparents knew.


Mapping The World

The 15th and 16th centuries marked a pivotal era in the history of mapping.


The Role Of Propaganda In History

Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt would use propaganda in the form of architecture and monuments to convey their divine power and right to rule.


The Dynamics Of Populations

Populations are subjected to a number of biological and environmental factors that affect their demographics.


The Medicinal Properties Of Plants

With so much biodiversity lost each year, thousands of plants and their potential drug use vanish from existence on a regular basis.

The Silk Road

The Silk Road

Silk road cities began to attract scholars and philosophers and became known as centres for intellectual exchange.

The Thermohaline Circulation

What Is The Thermohaline Circulation?

If carbon emission remain constant, the thermohaline circulation will slow down by more than 40% over the next 30 years.

The golden ratio

The Golden Ratio

In current times, the golden ratio is used by many graphic designers and web developers to create visually pleasing layouts, logos and adverts that appeal to audiences.

The Space Race

The Space Race Legacy

The Space Race led to a number of innovative scientific and technological advancements that have forever changed the way we live.

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