Kazim Ladimeji, Author at Oxford Open Learning

Articles by Kazim Ladimeji

I am a practising HR consultant working with several start-ups on an ongoing and ad-hoc basis in the London and M4 area, and am a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development or CIPD. I am the Director of thecareercafe.co.uk; thecareercafe.co.uk is a resource for start-ups and small business. It includes a blog containing career advice, small business advice articles, HR software reviews, and contains great resources such as HR Productivity Apps.

New Year's

New Year’s Celebrations To Come

A significant part of the world doesn’t follow the Gregorian calendar and do not have new year’s celebrations on the 31st of December, but do so on other dates.


Disproven Scientific Theories

For centuries, based on biblical interpretations, people believed that Earth was only around 6,000 years old.


Christmas Before Victoria

Before the 19th century, Christmas was celebrated as a longer season rather than the 2-3 day event we know today.


Why Don’t We Feel The Speed Of Earth’s Rotation?

Since we’re traveling at a mind-boggling 67,000 mph, shouldn’t we feel some sense of movement?

Wolf Hall

How Historically Accurate Is Wolf Hall?

Small inaccuracies, especially in props or dialogue, are sometimes inevitable.


Maps And Their Historical Development

The Mercator and Peters projection models of mapping remain among the best-known.

The Northern Lights

The Northern Lights

Nights following a new moon, when it is darkest or barely visible, provide the best opportunity to see the northern lights.


Record Breaker: The Largest Prime Number

Given the critical role of prime numbers in securing information in today’s digital world, the recent discovery of the largest-ever is noteworthy.


Medieval Autumn Harvest And Survival

Medieval food science was grounded in the doctrine of ‘The four Humours’.

Place names

Decoding Our Place Names

Our place names provide a window into the country’s history.

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