Kazim Ladimeji, Author at Oxford Open Learning

Articles by Kazim Ladimeji

I am a practising HR consultant working with several start-ups on an ongoing and ad-hoc basis in the London and M4 area, and am a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development or CIPD. I am the Director of thecareercafe.co.uk; thecareercafe.co.uk is a resource for start-ups and small business. It includes a blog containing career advice, small business advice articles, HR software reviews, and contains great resources such as HR Productivity Apps.

The Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse: Fact And Fiction?

This idea or myth was mentioned in The Odyssey by Homer, who was one of the greatest of the Ancient Greek Poets.


G-Forces – For The Holiday…

Astronauts returning from a gravity free, zero-G environment, have reported on returning to the 1-G Earth environment, actively feeling gravity pulling their arms and feet down.

Solar maximum

What Is Solar Maximum?

Roughly every 11 years, the Sun’s magnetic fields flip, and the Sun’s North and South poles switch places.


Newton’s Apple And Other Scientific Myth

Galileo is credited with dropping two spheres of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that they would hit the ground at the same time, challenging Aristotle’s theory that heavier objects fall faster. However…


“Ye Cannae Change The Laws Of Physics” – Or Can You?

Back in the sobering reality of our world, it would be unscientific of us not to ask whether the laws of physics are not so constant after all.

Da Vinci

5 Of Da Vinci’s Most Ingenious Inventions

Da Vinci was so far ahead of his time that the scientific materials and construction expertise required to test many of his ideas did not yet exist


The Differences Between Speed And Velocity

Velocity is a little more esoteric, but it has countless applications in every life that you probably didn’t know about.


The Science Of Our Bird Migrations In Spring

Spring Migration is not a singular process with thousands of birds blackening our skies on the dawn of the Spring Equinox…

The Gulf Stream

How Does The Gulf Stream Impact UK Weather?

The Gulf Stream is also part of another system called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC.

The Severn Bore

What Is The Phenomenon Of The Severn Bore?

Colonel ‘Mad’ Jack Churchill was the first person documented to have surfed the bore, back in 1955.

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