Blog - News & Advice | Oxford Open Learning

A Brief History Of The NHS

The Second World War created a need for an emergency hospital service, a service which was dependent on the government for funding.


Summer Babies Of The Writing World

Read on to learn about these well-known writers, and more, born in the height of summer…


Celebrating The Queen’s Jubilee Through Literature

The Big Jubilee Read is a celebratory event to showcase literature from across the Commonwealth countries, and includes 10 books from each of the seven decades that Elizabeth II has been in power.

Royal Family

The Royal Family… Of Hawaii

Hawaii is the only state of America to have ever been ruled by Kings and Queens.

Henry VIII

The Wives Of Henry VIII

What do we really remember about each queen?

Thomas Barnardo

Thomas John Barnardo

At the time of Barnardo’s death in 1905, he had established 96 homes which were supporting more than 8,500 children.

May Day

May Day Celebrations In Oxford

Oxford’s unique May Morning celebrations date back more than 500 years, although the exact origins of the traditions are hazy…


Rainbows: Light, Refraction And A Little Bit Of Magic

Perhaps owing to their sporadic and unpredictable appearance, and to their ability to refresh the sky with dazzling colours during a fierce rainstorm, rainbows have long been the subject of reverence.


What Is Neurodiversity?

It is believed that around 1 in 7 people has a neurodivergent condition.

Learning Plan

Enriching Revision For English Literature A Level

Whether it is the tragedy of King Lear or the silliness of Twelfth Night, watching an adaptation of a play can be valuable revision.

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