Fossils of the extinct, earliest known bat, Icaronycteris gunnelli, are estimated to date back over 52 million years.
Fossils of the extinct, earliest known bat, Icaronycteris gunnelli, are estimated to date back over 52 million years.
National Marine Week actually lasts a fortnight, in order that organisers can make the most of different tide times around the UK.
On February 15, 2013, an asteroid about 20 meters in diameter slammed into Earth’s atmosphere at nearly 70,000 kilometers per hour.
It took around six years to complete the wall, with legions of Roman soldiers providing the labour.
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“Tolkien” was believed by the family (including Tolkien himself) to be of German origin; Toll-kühn, meaning foolishly brave, or stupidly clever.
Around 1.6 billion people around the world depend on forests for their livelihoods and daily subsistence needs.
Gloucester’s Cooper’s Hill Cheese Roll and Wake is a tradition believed to go back around 600 years.
Hugo was inspired by François-René de Chateaubriand, the founder of Romanticism in French literature.