For many people, folklore forms a huge part of their identities.
The Bering Land Bridge served as a critical corridor for the exchange of plant and animal species between continents during the Ice Age.
There is a call for change within Africa, a call that promotes long-term goals of empowerment, self-reliance and sustainable partnerships.
Though he never saw his machines come to life, Babbage’s work profoundly influenced future generations.
Taxation in medieval times was a markedly different affair, closely tied to feudalism and decentralized systems of governance.
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis aids with the understanding of language’s role in cultural norms and has relevance in areas such as anthropology or diplomacy.
While the UK and the US share a commitment to democracy and strong bilateral relations, their political systems reflect distinct historical contexts and governance philosophies.
Brown’s world-building is on point, creating a Mars that feels objectively bleak and lived in, and very much a believable potential future.
While artificial photosynthesis is not yet commercially viable on a large scale, the progress achieved so far holds significant promise.
Let’s take a look at six pieces of Sci-fi that got things right and nine who got things wrong (quite terribly in many cases).