Francis Verity, Author at Oxford Open Learning

Articles by Francis Verity

I'm semi-retired after a successful and much enjoyed career in education. Funnily enough, my last job was as a tutor for OOL. I taught on courses providing professional training for school support staff, as well as A level English Literature and English Literature GCSE. I've had an interesting career, in schools, colleges, adult education, the Arts and a few other bits and bobs. At one stage I was also a local authority inspector. Now I'm a school governor, and am enjoying watching my young grandchildren go through their own first experiences of school. Through these articles I hope to keep you up to date with different aspects of education news – and also to keep you interested!

Dying Star

Dystopia, Utopia, Development or Full Stop?

We’ve been interested in good and bad futures for a long time.

Donald Trump

“Fake News”: Important issue or just a myth?

There’s clear evidence that fake news from Russia influenced the recent American election.

To the Final Frontier and Beyond

Not only is the Cassini probe even now relaying video of one of Saturn’s upper atmosphere, but our Curiosity Rover is roaming the surface of Mars and our New Horizons spacecraft travelling to Pluto, at the very edge of our solar system (since 2006 and still with a way to go).

English dictionary definition

Where did “English” come from?

English history has seen several successful invasions, and usually this has meant an additional language being imposed.

The Golden Age of Steam

For many people, getting on a train used to be an adventure in itself

Helping You Help Young People with Exams

Possibly the best way to start is with the simplest ideas.

This Scepter’d Isle

Being an island has influenced both our everyday life and our long term future. Yet it’s difficult to avoid being schizophrenic about our feelings on the fact. Take our current situation…


WHO’s taking care of you

Some diseases linger that you might think had been eradicated. You’ll have heard of Ebola, and possibly Bird Flu, which can affect humans adversely. But did you know that the plague remains a problem?

Do you have a sense of enormous wellbeing?

You might think that in our country there were more reasons than not to be cheerful, yet 1 in 6 of us experience anxiety and depression.

Brexit: Cultural Challenge or Opportunity?

Ultimately, change is happening now whether we like it or not.

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