When did Britons first begin travelling around the country and why?
When did Britons first begin travelling around the country and why?
One in three black men will end up in prison in contrast to 1 in 17 white men in America, despite black Americans making up only 13% of the US population.
America celebrated its black athletes as heroes to the globe, but treated them as second class citizens at home.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, released in 1852 , was a novel that controversially depicted the harsh reality of slavery for the first time. It has since become one of the most popular books in American history.
As a symbol of contemporary progress, the postcard was a modern invention that combined advances in printing, photography, industrialisation, transportation and postal regulations, culminating in a culture of speed.
It was argued that the death toll continued to rise despite the use of masks and that the obligation to cover one’s nose and mouth was an affront to the principles of a free society.