Posted by: Greg Smith at 3:46 pm, July 19, 2011 | Tags: home education, Key Stage 3 Science, KS3 Science, studying science at home, Year 7 Science, Year 8 Science, Year 9 Science
Oxford Open Learning’s sister company, Oxford Home Schooling, has just launched a brand new KS3 Science courses for Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 Science. Written by experienced science teacher, Dr Philip West, this lively new course has been developed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 Science, and also meet the standards for the Common Entrance 13+ examination.
The course has been designed to meet the needs of home-educated students who want to study science at Key Stage 3 level (i.e. between the ages of eleven and fourteen approximately). The course can be studied over three years, or for a shorter or longer period, depending on the student’s rate of progress. Students can enrol for the entire course (Years 7-9), or for an individual year, i.e. if it suits a student’s programme of study he or she can begin at Year 8 or 9, as well as at Year 7. So if you are looking for a distance learning science course to assist your child’s home education you may like to visit the OHS website to find out more.
This course is designed to prepare students for studying science, i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science or Human Biology at GCSE or IGCSE.
The course follows an integrated approach to studying the three main sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics, taking each science individually in turn, lesson by lesson. The course includes material in three course folders for Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9. Students can enrol for any of the three separate years individually, or sign up to the entire course for years 7-9. At Year 7, no prior knowledge of science is required.
The Years 7-9 courses consist of 24 (Year 7) or 18 (Years 8 and 9) lessons arranged in 6 modules each of which concludes with a Tutor-marked Assignment. Each lesson includes a wide range of activities that provide both practical and written exercises that help students to understand and consolidate their learning of new concepts. Some activities require students to have access to the internet. The course also includes a pull-out guide for parents that includes answers to some activity questions and to the self-assessment tests included in most lessons.
Students are encouraged to explore key concepts further via carefully selected internet sites or recommended texts listed in the course folder. The Year 7 and Year 8 courses also include a practical investigation for students to plan, design, carry out and evaluate. With appropriate supervision, the practical activities can be carried out at home.
The course includes formative assessment by means of tutor-marked assignments. There is no exam.
This course provides students with excellent preparation for studying science at GCSE or IGCSE level.
If you would like to know more about studying KS3 Science with Oxford Home Schooling please contact one of our student advisers who will be pleased to answer your queries.
See more by Greg Smith