Andrew Hyams, Author at Oxford Open Learning

Articles by Andrew Hyams

Andrew Hyams is a communications and digital consultant from London with a background in politics and campaigning, having worked for the UK, Australian and New Zealand Labour parties. He studied History and Philosophy at the University of Sussex and UCL. You can get in touch with him on

Short stories

A Short Essay On Essays

Do we ever stop to think about where the essay comes from?

Mature student

Being A Mature Student During The Pandemic

Being able to log on from home makes it easy to fit studying around your other commitments, and means you are less restricted about where you live or what schools and colleges you can access.

Intellectual History

Intellectual History

The historical study of thought shot to prominence in the 1960s-70s.


Are We Witnessing The Death of British Curry?

It’s now nineteen years since Foreign Secretary Robin Cook famously anointed Chicken Tikka Masala the true British national dish…


What Should I Study to Work in Politics?

A political career is open to a wide variety of academic backgrounds.

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