One of the most common questions our Student Advisers get asked is what level should I study at.
This can be a very difficult question for and Adult Learner. It is important to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself some hard questions, and sometimes make some brave decisions.
Deciding to go back into education can be a hugely daunting but immensely rewarding choice. However you must take a realistic approach to assessing where you should start.
Did you leave school with good Maths and English Skills? Are you a confident and happy reader? Are you happy with basic maths such as averages percentages. If you can’t clearly answer yes to these questions then you should have a look at our Skills for Learning courses in Maths and English.
If you are confident in your Maths and English Skills but didn’t leave school with GCSEs, then a GCSE or IGCSE is the obvious place to start. Unless you have a specific need we would normally start with recommending English Maths and Science in that order. In a recent survey of employers carried out by the trust these were the qualifications that employers considered most valuable to them.
Honestly, it doesn’t really matter. An IGCSE and a GCSE are interchangeable qualifications in the minds of college admissions managers and employers. you see as much variation between examination boards as you see between GCSEs and IGCSEs.
Generally however it is easier for distance learning students to study IGCSEs as they don’t have controlled assessment which needs to be carried out in supervised conditions. It is also much easier to study IGCSEs if you wish to take your examination outside of the UK.
A level is frequently described as the “Gold Standard” of British Education. I vividly remember bring told that A levels would be the hardest academic study I would ever do. Certainly I had to work harder to pass these than at any other point in my academic career. You will need to have time and dedication to study an A level
Generally the Oxford Open Learning Trust only takes students with 4 good GCSE or IGCSE passes for A level study. Some of our A levels require specific GCSEs before we will accept you.
However we will accept some other qualifications and life experience, If you are in any doubt we have a team of friendly Student Advisers who will be more than happy to help you make the right decisions about what level to study at. Why not give them a call on 0800 9757575