What Role Should Technology Play In The Classroom? I Oxford Open Learning

What Role Should Technology Play In The Classroom?

Technology has changed education as we know it, and the classroom has evolved from what it used to look like 30 years ago. Nowadays, classrooms filled with smart screens and iPads are commonplace. However, this begs the question: is this advancement beneficial to learning? According to a study by Pew Research, 92% of educators says that the internet has improved their ability to access resources, content, and materials for teaching. Here are a few ways that technology enhances the classroom experience.

An Engaging Environment

First, technology can be used to create a more engaging learning environment. Technology allows students and teachers to communicate ideas better as things can be shared instantly through digital whiteboards and tablets, as well as turn traditionally dull activities such as brainstorming into interactive activities that encourages group work. This improves the collaborative spirit between participants in a classroom.

More Choice

Secondly, technology can benefit students by incorporating different learning styles. We all know that there are many ways of learning: listening, speaking, writing and sensing. Each person in a classroom learns differently and has different strengths and weaknesses. Technology allows teachers to blend different learning styles and adjust the learning plan to fit people’s individual needs.

Feedback and Synergy

Lastly, using technology in the classroom allows for instantaneous feedback and creates synergy. Technology allows for more active learning, which means that asking questions through online polls for example becomes easier. Live discussion boards and presentations allows both sides to receive feedback at a click of a button.

Technology Will Continue To Improve

Overall, using technology in the classroom fosters a collaborative, interactive and dynamic learning environment that can be tailored to different people’s needs. In a digital future, the use of technology can only strengthen the classroom experience. Students will be able to take advantage of all the resources that are on offer, which is sure to set them up for success.

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