Helen Coniam, Author at Oxford Open Learning - Page 2 of 2

Articles by Helen Coniam

I have been working for Oxford Open Learning since 2010 and love helping my students with their English and History courses. As a teacher and personal tutor, I have taught pupils from all around the world, aged from three to adult. I am often to be found with my head in a book and sometimes I have four or five on the go at the same time. I love learning about History and Art and am passionate about literature.

If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing…

Go Set a Watchman will pick up the story of Atticus and Scout Finch in the 1950s but was actually written before the author’s most famous work.

Literary Festivals for February and March

Visiting a literary festival can provide the opportunity to catch up with a favourite author or even the chance to discover something new.

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Distance Learning days out: Literary Festivals in June

  As we reach the middle of the year, there are even more literary festivals to choose from, celebrating some of the UK’s greatest writers. Tickets are usually very reasonable and a visit is a perfect way to find out more about some of the people and events you study on your Oxford Home Schooling […]

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Hip Hop Shakespeare “Racist and Evil”?

English literature, it seems, is subject more than any other art form, to critical reappraisal. Would we paint over parts of ‘The Nightwatch’ by Rembrandt because the subjects all have white faces? No, we would not.

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The Shakespeare Blog: 1

The Challenge of Shakespeare When George Mallory was asked why he chose to climb Mount Everest, his alleged answer was “Because it’s there.” I’m sure that, to many students, such a phrase could apply equally when asked why we study the works of Shakespeare. Undoubtedly, it would be a lot easier to avoid reading a […]

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