Oxford Home Schooling offers newly revised Key Stage 3 History course

Newly revised KS3 History course at Oxford Home Schooling

Oxford Home Schooling is Oxford Open Learning’s sister company.  OHS offers home education courses for students who are under 18 years old.  OHS courses are developed to National Curriculum standards and offer carefully structured and appropriately paced learning opportunities for students between the ages of 11 and 19.  Each course is supported by a personal tutor who is a qualified teacher with experience in teaching the subject.  All of our tutors are carefully chosen and CRB checked.

What subjects does OHS offer at Key Stage 3?

Key Stage 3 covers the 11-14 age range.  Our KS3 courses include:





We are currently developing new Key Stage 3 courses in Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), and ICT.

KS3 History

Our KS3 History course has recently been revised and now includes a brand new set of Tutor-marked Assignments (TMAs), in addition to the existing series of TMAs.  The new assignments take an investigative approach to history and ask students to engage in activities that aim to develop their historical skills. They will need to access websites to search for information and carry out tasks. All such sites have been carefully chosen for their authority and reliability. Some of the tasks encourage students to explore local, regional and national history on site and online. By using authoritative websites in connection with on site visits students are encouraged to ask questions, actively develop their historical skills and knowledge, and engage in areas of interest that provide a framework for historical study at GCSE, IGCSE and A level.

How can I find out more?

If you would like to know more about our KS3 courses, please contact one of our student advisers to discuss your needs.

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