Considering Multiple Perspectives In Critical Thinking I Oxford Open Learning
critical thinking

Considering Multiple Perspectives In Critical Thinking

Critical thinking skills allow you to evaluate and analyze information from different perspectives. It involves the ability to objectively analyze and evaluate information, arguments, and opinions, and to form your own conclusions based on evidence.

To craft an effective argument, you will need to consider information from more than one source and evaluate each of them to assess their reliability in supporting your argument.

Let’s take a look at why a broad range of perspectives on a subject can make your assignments more concise and reinforce your arguments, and ultimately improve your thought process.

Stay On The Fence

You may go into an assignment with a conclusion in mind already, but that can severely limit the scope of your work and cloud your approach to finding sources. Remaining neutral and considering multiple perspectives promotes open-mindedness and flexibility in your thinking. It allows you to challenge your assumptions and biases and see issues from different angles.

By understanding these different perspectives, and applying facts and context you can work towards finding a balanced argument before making your own judgement.

Diversity Brings Debate

When you consider multiple perspectives, you are encouraged to critically evaluate information and arguments from different sources. This can help you identify biases and flaws in reasoning and make more informed judgments. Additionally, by comparing and contrasting different perspectives, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments and positions.

Once you’ve made your comparisons, now is the time to pick your side. Fortunately, you’ll have plenty of evidence and analysis to justify your answer.

The Wider Impact Of Critical Thinking

Considering multiple perspectives fosters intellectual humility, which is the recognition that our beliefs and ideas may be flawed or incomplete. By acknowledging that there may be different viewpoints on an issue, you can become more open to learning from others and adjusting your views based on new information.

A flexible thinker is capable of applying logic instead of making assumptions based on taking things at face value.

For any given assignment, find as many sources of information as you can and always be objective. If you do that, you’ll end up wishing the word count were longer. Considering as many facts and points of view as possible is not only key to being a great student, but will also help you better understand the world around you.

In short, the more information you have to hand, the more balanced and critical your thinking can be.


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Dan Grabowski is an Amazon best-selling author and has taught in the classroom at primary level previously.

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