Daniel Grabowski, Author at Oxford Open Learning - Page 2 of 2

Articles by Daniel Grabowski


Exploring A Spectrum Of Possibility

We’ll delve into the real-world theories proposed by experts, scholars, and scientists about the potential types of alien species that might exist out there in the cosmos.


Are We Alone? The UFO Congress Hearings

Just what revelations were revealed exactly?

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.: “I Have A Dream” – 60 Years On

The “I Have a Dream” speech is a testament to the power of words to inspire change and shift the course of history.


Tips For Acing An Interview

Nothing screams ‘don’t employ me’ more than being unprepared. And employers will spot those that aren’t…

beginnings and endings

How To Write Effective Beginnings And Endings In Fiction

Understanding how to write effective beginnings and endings will elevate your writing.

True Grit

True Grit And The Revenant: A Contrast Of Classic And Revisionist Westerns

When compared, the differences between the two novels highlights the change in modern attitudes towards the Western genre.

The Western Novel

The Western Novel: Comparing Traditional And Revisionist Takes

Revisionist western novels emerged in the latter half of the 20th century and challenged the classic, simplistic portrayals of the genre.

The modern western

The Frontier Lives Again: Rise Of The Modern Western

The revisionist Western is characterised by complex characters, morally ambiguous storylines, and a willingness to explore the darker aspects of human nature.


How To Evaluate A Source And Identify Credible Information

Here are five strategies to help you evaluate sources and identify reliable information.

critical thinking

Considering Multiple Perspectives In Critical Thinking

To craft an effective argument, you will need to consider information from more than one source and evaluate each of them.

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