Candice West, Author at Oxford Open Learning - Page 2 of 4

Articles by Candice West

Candice West has been working in education as a qualified teacher for many years and has gained a great deal of knowledge and experience of the sector.


Volcanoes: World’s Most Active

There are 1500 active volcanoes in the world today, with three-quarters of them located along the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’.


A History Of Archery

Archery experienced a revival during the 18th century as the upper-classes took up the bow and arrow as a form of recreation.


The Best Of The Limerick

Limericks are a short form of comedic poetry, consisting of just five lines with an A-A-B-B-A rhyming structure.


Top Hans Christian Andersen Tales

In an interview with a literary critic, Andersen explained that The Ugly Duckling is symbolic of his own life.

Saints Days

Saints Days

Each day of the year is associated with at least one saint.

Thomas Becket

The Murder Of Thomas Becket

“Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?!”…


The Interrupted History Of Running Water

One cannot help but wonder how technologically advanced we might be now had Western civilisation not wasted centuries developing ideas that had already been invented by our ancient ancestors.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert would often go to France, where he would spend time in the company of artists and writers whilst writing essays on his travels – travelling would inform much of his future writing.

Women's Education

Women’s Education In Britain: A Brief History

The 7th October marks 102 years since women were given the right to earn a degree from Oxford University. This fact alone demonstrates the long and difficult journey towards education equality that women in Britain have struggled with.

Daniel Kaluuya

Black History Month 2022: Influential British Figures Today

Daniel Kaluuya has appeared in a prominent role in movies such as Sicario, Judas and the Messiah, for which he won numerous awards, and the blockbuster Black Panther.

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