English and Maths GCSE

English and Maths GCSE


The BBC have an article on how the young jobless need English and Maths GCSE.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-15863830

Cities in England with high youth unemployment must do more to raise young people’s attainment in Maths and English, a report says. Research by Centre for Cities found a strong link between results in English and Maths and youth joblessness.

It found that between 2007 and 2010, an average of almost 50% of pupils in cities left education without GCSEs grade A* to C in Maths and English. The think-tank says the situation leaves youngsters unable to get a job.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways of improving one’s skills in English and Maths in order to reach GCSE grade C standard. A large proportion of the students who enrol with Oxford Open Learning approach us with exactly this objective and we have an excellent record in making a life-changing difference to our students’ level of attainment in Maths GCSE and English GCSE. Over the last fifteen years around 80% of our adult learners who have retaken their English and Maths GCSE exams with our support have gained a grade C or better. This has transformed their chances of being accepted for the job they really want or for the course of higher education that they dream of.

With both English GCSE and Maths GCSE, it is usually true that the home learner has been poorly taught in the past and is strong in certain areas but very weak in others. The benefit of one-to-one tutor-support and a flexible study programme is that the student can identify and concentrate on those parts of the examination on which they have not done well in the past. This is particular true of Maths GCSE. Some students are strong in geometry but weak in algebra, say. Others have never had trigonometry or probability explained effectively to them.

Our home study tutors will help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and fill the gaps which have held them back. It is also important to have the highest quality written materials to support the study process. The Oxford Open Learning Maths GCSE (and Maths IGCSE) courses consist of more than a thousand pages of explanations, worked examples, exercises and study tips. It is not necessary to study every page or tackle every exercise. The home learner can locate the topics and exercises they need in order to target the top GCSE grades.

English GCSE is an awkward subject for adult learners because of the coursework requirements. A new system called “controlled assessment” makes it difficult for adult learners to resit English GCSE. Fortunately, there is a perfectly acceptable alternative – English IGCSE. A grade C in English IGCSE carries exactly the same weight as a grade C at GCSE and it is possible for an adult learner anywhere in the UK to take the IGCSE exams and satisfy the exam board requirements.

Improving your Maths and English qualifications will make a huge difference to your career opportunities and life chances generally. Sign up for an English IGCSE or Maths (I)GCSE programme today – preferably with Oxford Open Learning!

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