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Romance Languages: Origins And Connections

Tracing The Origins And Connections Of French, Spanish And Italian

The Romance languages, known for their lyrical beauty and captivating expressions, form a fascinating linguistic family that traces its origins back to the ancient Roman Empire. Among these languages, French, Spanish and Italian stand as prominent members, each with its own unique characteristics and shared heritage. Through the study of their origins and connections, we unravel a rich tapestry of language evolution, cultural exchange, and shared linguistic roots.

At the heart of the Romance languages lies Latin, the language of the Roman Empire. As the Romans expanded their empire, Latin spread throughout the territories they conquered, influencing the local languages and dialects. Over time, Latin evolved and adapted, giving rise to distinct regional variants that eventually developed into the Romance languages we know today.


French, with its elegant and melodic tones, shares a close affinity with Latin. It emerged from Vulgar Latin, the colloquial form of the language spoken by the common people in Gaul (modern-day France) during the Roman era. As Gaul came under Roman rule, Latin gradually blended with the native Celtic and Germanic languages, resulting in the emergence of Old French. Over the centuries, Old French evolved into Middle French and ultimately modern French, while retaining a significant influence from Latin in its vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics.


Spanish, with its passionate and rhythmic expressions, traces its roots back to the Iberian Peninsula. Latin spread throughout the region during Roman rule, merging with the pre-existing languages spoken by the native inhabitants. The resulting Vulgar Latin dialects, known as Mozarabic and Visigothic, formed the foundation of Old Spanish. As the centuries unfolded, Old Spanish evolved, absorbing influences from Arabic, Hebrew, and various regional dialects, to become the rich and diverse language we know as modern Spanish.


Italian, renowned for its musicality and expressive nature, finds its origins in the central regions of Italy. Latin, introduced by the Roman conquest, intermingled with the existing languages spoken in the area, leading to the development of Vulgar Latin dialects. From these dialects emerged Old Italian, which gradually evolved into the Tuscan dialect, thanks to the influence of renowned Italian writers such as Dante Alighieri. The Tuscan dialect became the foundation of modern Italian, characterised by its fluidity, graceful pronunciation, and close ties to the poetic legacy of the past.

The Shared Nature Of Romance Languages

While French, Spanish, and Italian each took distinct paths of development, they share a common heritage that reveals itself in their vocabulary, grammar, and linguistic structures. They are known as Romance languages not only because of their connection to Latin but also because of the sense of romance and cultural refinement that permeates their linguistic tapestry.
The study of the Romance languages allows us to appreciate the intricate connections between cultures and languages, emphasising the interplay between history, migration, and linguistic evolution. It highlights the richness of human expression and the capacity for languages to adapt, absorb influences, and evolve over time while maintaining their shared roots.

So, let us embrace the romance of these languages, and celebrate the diverse beauty and cultural connections that French, Spanish, and Italian have. Through their exploration, we gain a deeper understanding of our shared heritage, enrich our appreciation for linguistic diversity, and embrace the beauty of intercultural connections that transcend borders and time.

Perfectionism is not, in and of itself, a negative trait. Perfectionists are often conscientious high achievers; our greatest weakness is also our greatest strength. But those trying to be constantly perfect can find that every task feels like an unconquerable burden and every essay a path to failure, however unlikely our friends and family might find our doom-laden predictions. Here are three thoughts to use to beat the unrealistic idealism that may currently be beating you.

1. “I am aiming for my own version of perfect.”

What is perfect, anyway? Maybe you could decide. Perhaps perfection could simply mean sitting down at your messy desk, ignoring the clothes on the floor, and spending 10 minutes planning the first half of your essay. In this deeply imperfect and challenging world, if you were to be reasonable with yourself, your definition of perfect should, and could, be different. Redefine perfection: make it doable and make it your own.

2. “I don’t HAVE to do it; I GET to do it.”

A to-do list is a depressing sight, if, at every item, we are telling ourselves that we ‘have to’ or ‘must’ do this or that. But turn ‘have to’ into ‘get to’ and suddenly life seems more joyful. Perhaps it is an irritating piece of advice, an unwelcome call to simply have more gratitude, but studying is essentially an overwhelmingly positive thing. You are learning and growing, and you have access to great materials and educated teachers; you are lucky. And so, even if it feels at first like you are lying to yourself, tell yourself, next time you inspect your to-do list: “I get to plan my essay today”.

3. “A perfect dissertation is a finished dissertation.”

We will do it, but we are waiting for the perfect time when we are in the mood. Because we know we can do it well, and not just well but REALLY well. And so that is the aim. This isn’t laziness, for the fear is real: we cannot bear to submit anything less than our best; we cannot tolerate failure; and we want to be proud of what we have achieved. We have visualised (or we think we have) the perfect essay or assignment. But the truth is that you have a deadline. Perhaps you could achieve perfection if you had eternity to complete it. But you don’t. Most tasks have a timeline, whether it is 6 years to complete a part-time PhD, or one night to finish an essay. And the test is not what you can achieve, but what you can achieve in the time you have to complete it. The definition of perfect might simply be this: finished.

Multilingualism: How Learning Languages Rewires Your Brain

Language is not merely a tool for communication; it is a gateway to understanding cultures, broadening perspectives, and, as recent research has shown, rewiring the very structure of the brain. The art of multilingualism encompasses the incredible cognitive benefits that come with learning multiple languages. From enhancing memory and problem-solving skills to fostering empathy and cultural sensitivity, the pursuit of language fluency offers a transformative experience that goes far beyond words.


Scientific studies have revealed that learning languages has a profound impact on the brain. Bilingual and multilingual individuals exhibit increased gray matter density in certain areas, particularly those associated with language processing and executive function. This structural enhancement enables the brain to become more efficient at tasks such as attention control, cognitive flexibility, and conflict resolution. The brain’s ability to switch between languages and inhibit interference strengthens cognitive abilities, leading to improved problem-solving skills and creative thinking.

Multilingualism Means Improved Memory

Moreover, learning languages has been linked to improved memory and information retention. The process of acquiring and recalling vocabulary and grammar structures exercises the brain’s memory systems, resulting in enhanced memory function. Bilingual individuals often demonstrate better working memory, which enables them to juggle multiple tasks and mentally manipulate information more effectively. This cognitive advantage extends beyond language-related activities, benefiting various aspects of life, such as academic performance and professional success.

Empathy And Understanding

The art of multilingualism goes beyond cognitive benefits; it fosters cultural empathy and intercultural understanding. Language is intertwined with culture, and by learning a new language, individuals gain insights into different ways of thinking, beliefs, and traditions. Language learning provides a bridge to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, promoting empathy and creating opportunities for meaningful connections. Multilingualism encourages individuals to see the world from multiple perspectives, challenging preconceptions and promoting a more inclusive and global mindset.

Furthermore, the journey of learning languages enhances metalinguistic awareness—the ability to think about and reflect on language itself. As learners grapple with grammatical structures, vocabulary nuances, and idiomatic expressions, they develop a deep understanding of the inner workings of languages. This metalinguistic awareness sharpens analytical skills and nurtures a love for linguistics, inspiring a lifelong pursuit of language mastery. In today’s interconnected world, the benefits of multilingualism extend to personal and professional opportunities.

More Career Choices

Language proficiency opens doors to new cultures, travel experiences, and career prospects. Global businesses seek individuals who can communicate and negotiate across language barriers, and diplomats and international organisations rely on multilingual professionals to bridge gaps and foster collaboration. Learning languages has become an invaluable skill in an increasingly globalised society. The art of multilingualism is a lifelong journey that challenges, enriches, and transforms individuals.

As we embark on the path of learning languages, we not only acquire a new means of communication but also reshape the very structure of our brains. The cognitive benefits, cultural understanding, and personal growth that come with multilingualism make it an art form worth pursuing. So, whether you’re exploring your ancestral language, immersing yourself in a new culture, or expanding your linguistic repertoire, embrace the art of multilingualism and unlock the incredible potential that lies within your brain.

Unlocking Linguistic Diversity

Languages are not merely a means of communication; They harbour a repository of culture, identity, and collective memory. Sadly, many languages are on the brink of extinction, threatened by globalisation, cultural assimilation, and the dominance of major languages. The loss of these languages represents a loss of invaluable knowledge, unique worldviews, and profound connections to the past. In this article, we will explore some of the world’s most endangered languages and shed light on the efforts to preserve and revitalize them.


One example of an endangered language is Ainu, spoken by the indigenous Ainu people of Japan. With fewer than 10 fluent speakers remaining, Ainu is classified as critically endangered. Efforts are being made to revitalise the language through cultural programmes, schools and increased recognition of Ainu cultural heritage. The goal is to ensure that future generations can access and embrace their linguistic and cultural heritage.


Another endangered language is Manx, spoken on the Isle of Man. Manx was once the primary language of the island but faced a decline during the 20th century. Through dedicated efforts, including language classes, community initiatives, and the production of literature and media in Manx, there has been a resurgence of interest in the language. The revitalisation movement has led to increased speakers and a renewed sense of cultural pride.

Endangered Languages In South America

In South America, the Guarani language faces significant threats. Guarani is spoken by indigenous communities in Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. However, despite its importance as a cultural and national language in Paraguay, it is becoming increasingly marginalised. As with Ainu and Manx, efforts are being made to preserve Guarani through education and community initiatives as well as the integration of the language into official institutions and media.

Celtic Languages

The Celtic languages, such as Cornish, Breton, and Scottish Gaelic, are also endangered. These languages were once widely spoken in their respective regions but experienced a decline due to political, cultural, and social pressures. However, revitalisation efforts have been successful in some areas. For instance, Scottish Gaelic has experienced a resurgence, with increased government support, bilingual education and community work.

The Value And Technical Science Of Preservation

The preservation of endangered languages is crucial because they carry unique knowledge systems, cultural expressions, and ways of perceiving the world. When a language disappears, a wealth of wisdom, folklore, and local knowledge is lost forever. Aforementioned attempts to preserve endangered languages range from documentation and archiving to a focus on teaching the language to younger generations and integrating it into everyday life.

Technology has also played a significant role in language preservation. Digital tools, online resources, and language learning apps provide opportunities for wider access to endangered languages and facilitate their learning and practice. Furthermore, raising awareness about the importance of linguistic diversity and is essential. Governments, educational institutions, and communities can support language revitalisation efforts by promoting bilingual education, providing resources for language learning, and encouraging the use of endangered languages in official settings.

Preserving Our Culture

The loss of endangered languages represents a significant loss of cultural heritage and human knowledge. Efforts to preserve and revitalise these languages are crucial for maintaining linguistic diversity and honoring the cultural identity of communities. By supporting language revitalisation initiatives and raising awareness about the value of endangered languages, we can unlock the doors to linguistic diversity and ensure that future generations inherit a world that is enriched by it.

Translation apps have become increasingly popular in recent years as people seek quick and easy translations of foreign languages. However, while these apps have their benefits, they also come with some potential drawbacks.

The Convenience Of Translation Apps

One of the main advantages of such applications is their convenience. They allow users to quickly and easily translate words and phrases in a foreign language, making it easier to communicate with people who speak different languages. Additionally, many translation apps are cost-effective, with some being free or very affordable.


There are also many different types of translation apps available, each with their own features and functions, making it easy to find an app that meets one’s specific needs. Most translation apps are also designed to be user-friendly, making them easy to use even for people who are not tech-savvy.

Potential Pitfalls

However, there are also several potential drawbacks to using apps like these. One major issue is their potential for inaccuracy. there is always the chance an app could produce an inaccurate translation, particularly with more complex phrases and sentences. If so, it can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, especially in business or professional settings.

Additionally, translation apps may not always take into account the cultural nuances of the language being translated, which can lead to misunderstandings or inappropriate use of language. The lack of context in translation apps can also be problematic, as it may not always provide enough context for accurate translations. This can be particularly problematic for idiomatic expressions, where the meaning of the phrase is dependent on the context in which it is used.

Furthermore, while most translation apps have a large vocabulary, they may not always have the appropriate vocabulary for certain specialised fields, such as medicine or law. Finally, over-reliance on apps can lead to a lack of language proficiency and may limit opportunities for personal and professional growth.

To Bear In Mind…

In conclusion, whilst it’s true an app can be a useful tool for quick and easy translation, it is important to keep in mind their limitations and potential inaccuracies. While they offer convenience and cost-effectiveness, users must be cautious of the potential for misunderstandings due to cultural nuances, lack of context, and limited vocabulary. It is important to continue to develop language proficiency and cultural awareness, as these skills are crucial for effective communication in a globalised world. As with any technological advancement, it is important to use translation apps with discretion and in moderation.

March 11th, 2023 marks three years since the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic.

The world is still grappling with a new way of living. One of the most remarkable changes is the shift in how people live and learn, thanks mainly to the increases in distance learning and remote working. In 2022, the number of students who prefer online learning had increased by 220%. And as of February 2022, 42% of people said they had adopted a hybrid working pattern – working from home most of the time and sometimes attending their usual place of work.

What Is Distance Learning?

Distance learning occurs outside a traditional classroom setting, including e-learning and online learning. One of the most significant changes to the learning landscape is that it is now possible to access a wealth of educational content anytime and anywhere. Many distance learning platforms offer video-based classes, lectures, and e-books to supplement or replace traditional classroom learning.

The Benefits Of Distance Learning

Distance learning has revolutionised how people learn by offering students greater flexibility, work-life balance, and control over their education and futures. Commitments such as being a carer for a disabled or elderly adult, looking after children, or even sleep disturbances can hinder education and work. But distance-learning and remote working can help accommodate life’s difficult circumstances. Its flexibility can also be invaluable to those with physical disabilities, neurodiverse conditions, and mental health problems.

A great example of an online learning tool that might work well for those interested in learning languages is Lingoda. It operates 24/7, and is a great tool to help you learn anytime. Although it’s a paid service, if you complete a ‘sprint challenge’ (30 lessons in 2 months) you’ll receive 50% cash back. If you complete a super-sprint challenge (60 lessons in two months) you’ll get 100% cashback. Now that’s some serious motivation!

How Have Organisations Adapted To Accommodate Hybrid Working And Learning?

The pandemic and evolving technologies

One of the most significant technological developments has been the growth of cloud computing. Cloud computing refers to how an organisation or person’s information is stored, allowing remote access through the internet. Everything from WhatsApp to Google Photos is an example of cloud computing.

Blackboard Learn uses cloud technologies to deliver interactive and immersive experiences for students and teachers. The cloud has also empowered organisations to store large amounts of data and video without physical storage or equipment.

Another significant advancement has been the growth of video conferencing software, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. These tools have provided:

An effective platform for virtual classes and meetings.
The ability of teachers and instructors to deliver lectures to students.
Teachers and students to interact in real-time, as in a physical classroom.

The Disruptive Impact Of The Pandemic On Everyday Life

Despite all the positive changes in work and learning that the pandemic has encouraged, it’s not all good news.

Although working from home may provide more flexibility and convenience, it vastly differs from a traditional office environment, leaving many employees struggling with isolation, loneliness, and social interaction. Remote work often blurs the boundaries between personal and professional time, giving some workers unprecedented stress due to a never-ending workload.

The economic dislocation caused by the pandemic has also been far-reaching, resulting in millions of people losing their jobs or facing reduced wages. This has negatively impacted many households, damaging their ability to pay their bills and support themselves or their families.

Overcoming Challenges

Perhaps the best way to address these challenges is to integrate increased social interaction and support systems into remote work and education. Although nothing can replicate face-to-face interaction, initiatives like online book groups or social clubs, where you can have fun and engaging discussions with colleagues or fellow students outside the working environment, could be beneficial.

There’s no absolute answer to overcoming these challenges. All we can continue to do is try and find a balance that helps students and employees feel fulfilled in their work and lives.

Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885) is well known for his French historical novel Les Misérables, and the well-known stage adaptation of his novel. The musical was originally written in French by Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boubil and Jean-Marc Natel and staged in 1980.

Family And Early Career

Born on 26th February 1802, Hugo was a French poet and playwright of the Romantic Movement in 19th century France, novelist, statesman and human rights activist. He was the third son of Joseph-Léopold-Sigisbert Hugo, a major and, later, general in Napoleon’s army. His father was from north-eastern France whilst his mother, Sophie Trebuchet, was a  Breton.

Victor Hugo’s childhood was marked by his father’s constant traveling with the imperial army and by the disagreements that eventually alienated his parents from each other. Hugo studied law between 1815 and 1818, though he never committed himself to a career in the field. With encouragement from his mother, he instead embarked on a career in literature. In 1822, he married Adele Foucher (1803 – 1868) and they had five children.

Early And Most Famed Works By Victor Hugo

Hugo’s first novel Han d’Islande (‘Han of Iceland’) was published in 1823. Five volumes of his poetry appeared between 1829 and 1840. His first serious work was the 1829 short story The Last Day of a Condemned Man.

When Napoleon III took absolute control of France in 1851, he abolished their democratic system of government and Hugo was forced into exile. From 1851-1870 he spent time in Guernsey where he was to write some his finest and most famous works, including Les Misérables and The Toilers of the Sea.

Hugo was inspired by François-René de Chateaubriand, the founder of Romanticism in French literature. In France, he is most revered for his poetry followed by his novels and dramas. Some examples of his outstanding poetry are Les Contemplations and Les Legende des Siecles. His most popular novels are Les Misérables (1862), Notre-Dame de Paris (‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’) published in 1831 and ‘Les Travailleurs de la Mer’ (Toilers of the Sea) in 1866.

Hugo wrote Les Misérables to make sense of a life lived during a challenging time. The 19th century France he experienced was known for divisive politics, a deadly pandemic and disruptive technology. His work explores the political and social issues of his time and his books have been translated to several foreign languages. He also had wider artistic talents and developed a hobby into producing more than 4,000 beautiful drawings.


From early in his life, Hugo showed a strong commitment to raising awareness of social justice issues and giving a voice to the disadvantaged. Hugo shared his views on a number of issues and matters close to his heart; including equality. Here are some of the quotes he made during his lifetime:
On marriage: “Ladies, a second piece of advice–do not marry; marriage is a graft; it may take hold or not. Shun the risk.”
On love: “Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, roots itself deeply in our being and continues to flourish over a heart in ruin. The inexplicable fact is that the blinder it is, the more tenacious it is. It is never stronger than when it is completely unreasonable.”
On equality: “Equality does not mean that all plants must grow to the same height – a society of tall grass and dwarf trees, a jostle of conflicting jealousies. It means, in civic terms, an equal outlet for all talents; in political terms, that all votes will carry the same weight; and in religious terms that all beliefs will enjoy equal rights.”

After a literary career that spanned more than sixty years, Victor Hugo is now considered to be one of the greatest French writers of all time, a real icon of of his nation’s culture and literature.

Whatever subject you are studying or qualification you are studying for, contact with your teacher or tutor – even when remote – is an invaluable part of that process. They are usually the subject experts, have a full understanding of the assessment process and have, more often than not, supported many other students who felt exactly the same as you do now about their learning. Whether you are confident in your subject knowledge and looking for ways to stretch yourself in order to achieve the very best results or are still a little uncertain and unsure how you might secure the grade you need, your tutors can provide you with the support you require. Here are a few simple strategies every student should try in order to boost the benefits of the contact they have.

Get Organised

Put simply, meet their expectations! If they provide a task, complete it. If they set a deadline, meet it. If you have a meeting, be there. Programmes of study and assessment schedules are in place to meet the needs of everyone; ensuring that there is adequate time for covering all of the content, assessing progress and providing feedback. A tutor works with many students and if you don’t adhere to the plan then you are unlikely to get the time you deserve. If there is a problem with the schedule set out for you, talk to your tutor in advance so that they can make any amendment they possibly can in order to make sure that everyone’s needs are met. If a tutor sees you are committed to your learning and doing what is required they are likely to go above and beyond in the ways in which they support you.

Respect Their Knowledge (but don’t be afraid to ask!)

As already mentioned, the tutor is the subject expert. They have the knowledge of the subject but also the ways it is assessed and how to ensure you can demonstrate it when required to do so. Listen to their advice. Take notes where required. Follow their suggestions. However, if there is something you are unsure about, don’t be afraid to ask! Questioning is key to developing a deeper understanding and mastery of a subject but is also a great tool in ensuring there have been no miscommunications or misunderstandings. Your tutor will respect your ability to really engage with the content you are covering together and look for ways to address your questions in more detail.

Know The Value Of  Tutor Feedback

Receiving feedback is one of the most important parts of the learning journey. However, many of us find getting feedback something that is really, really hard! Instead of thinking about what is said by your tutor as being ‘good’ or ‘bad’, try to consider what you can learn from it instead. If you are given praise for a certain aspect of your work, think about what you did that made this so effective. If there are comments relating to something that hasn’t worked out so well then think about what you might do differently next time. Reflection is key to making progress. Also, apply the same thought process when it comes to your attitude to learning. If a tutor comments on this, avoid taking it personally and think of how you might use what they have said to become a more effective learner.

Plan Your Agenda

Don’t forget that any contact that you have with your tutor is designed to benefit YOU. If you are in need of something specific from that contact then, again, do not be afraid to ask! In reality, this involves planning and preparing for any contact you have before you have it. Make a note of any questions you have when studying independently. If you need to revisit any material with them, ask in advance. If you have found a subject area particularly easy or hard, let them know. Remember, your tutor will be looking to support you in a way that is personalised to meet your needs too, so the more effectively you’re able to communicate these, the better they will be able to do this.

Staying at home has become the norm in 2021. With the majority of the UK working from home again, we’re spending most of our time indoors. However, just because you are stuck at home all day does not mean that you should stop learning new things. Here are three ways to keep learning from the comfort of your own home.

Virtual Study Groups

A virtual study group or work club can prove an invaluable resource in your quest to succeed. Studying away from friends and tutors can be difficult. Learning with other people, then, can be a much-needed change and a way to combat any problems you come across, together. You could gather a group of friends, set up weekly study sessions or virtual work-from-home calls. It’s a good way to mix things up and challenge each another while keeping learning fresh.

Try New Resources

Apart from searching everything up on Google, try listening to Podcasts or watching informative YouTube videos to learn new information. These are great ways to delve into interesting topics such as History, Geography and current affairs. You can also use resources such as audiobooks, news platforms and online courses such as Oxford Open Learning to increase your knowledge and sharpen your existing skills. There’s an endless possibilities out there!

Download New Apps

Delve into the wonderful world of apps. Download Amazon Kindle on your phone. (I read in grocery lines too or when I’m on the bus). Feedly and Flipboard also have great apps for learning new skills. Duolingo helps you learn a new language for free. There are all kinds of apps out there that are designed to make learning at home easier.

Everyone is talking about virtual reality. It has been around for years, but it could soon be time for it to hit the mainstream. Companies such as Immersive VR Education can even generate a lifelike spaceship in the classroom, and their capabilities are expanding with the growth of Big Data.

What Possibilities does VR present for The Classroom?

One of the key benefits VR offers is a truly interactive and connected classroom experience. This could take students away from the classical model of education, which relies on the teacher to impart knowledge on often passive students. Effectively, it means the amount of personalised interaction is not dependent on dividing the time of one person. If you consider that most class sizes in the UK state education sector consist of around 30 students, one teacher dividing their time equally for an hour would give each student 2 minutes. For students who don’t grasp topics easily, this is clearly not optimal.

In the context of the current global pandemic, VR could also allow students to interact with teachers without being physically present in the room. In this sense, the dilemma of how to maintain social distancing in an oversubscribed system could be answered by embracing this new technology.

With VR, schools with poor resources could still teach practical skills such as car mechanics, with each student participating for the whole lesson – and safely. Maths could become tactile, languages could become a chat in a French cafe. It could be a revolution, bringing a level of interactivity the students are already used to at home to the classroom.

The most important transition, however, will be in mentality, with teachers moving from the centre of the classroom to the role of facilitator.

What is the Role of Big Data?

Big Data refers to using large data sets to establish patterns and make connections. Tech giants such as Google can, for example, use this to discover trends in commuting habits by using data points from Google Maps.

Big Data can, in many cases, mimic or even surpass human intuition. This means students can keep track of learning, and therefore learn in a more self-directed way. In a traditional environment, a teacher has to monitor the test results of individual students, breaking down their weaker sub-skills into a learning plan. This is an essentially impossible task given that many teachers are responsible for hundreds of students. In a Big Data environment, these subskills can be easily tracked to identify areas for growth.

What about the Downsides?

Some studies have indicated that VR could be harmful, particularly for very young learners (for whom it could cause profound confusion.). Even for older learners, VR could signal the advent of an increasingly detached society, where the social side of learning could be overlooked. Even if VR professes to be social in its scope, phones and social media have created increased levels of introversion and depression in children and adults alike.

The price, at first, could also be a prohibitive factor, with many schools unable to afford the equipment. This could give a further competitive advantage to more wealthy areas.


Like many new areas in tech, the march of VR and Big Data seems inevitable. The question will not be whether or not to adopt the technology, but how to do it in a controlled and responsible way. The benefits of this could be unparalleled in the history of education.

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