English A Levels & GCSEs | Oxford Open Learning

English Courses

English is the world’s most important and widely-used language. It is the language of most international communication.

Those of us for whom English is our first language are lucky and we should make the most of that good fortune. There is a strong link between language skills and success in almost all aspects of our lives. The ability to express ourselves effectively can even make us happier!

English Language or Literature?

English is not only the world’s dominant language – it is also the language of much of the world’s great literature. We can enjoy and study that literature at many different levels and find out how to get the best out of our reading and unlock the secrets of great writers like Shakespeare, Keats and Dickens, as well as such modern greats as Stoppard, Atwood and McEwan.

Studying literature enhances our understanding of the language and vice versa, so most schools and colleges insist on both English Language and English Literature.

English and Career Development

Because good language skills are important to almost every career, there are every few employers who will not look at your level of attainment in English, even if it is not a specific requirement. A large number of higher education courses (including teacher training) require English GCSE to grade C or better, so that is the bare minimum that most people should aim for.

But if you love language and literature, why not aim a little higher? Our A-level courses will open up a whole new world of ideas for you.

IGCSE English Language, Dictionary image of the word langauge

International GCSE English

Oxford Open Learning’s English IGCSE course is designed to prepare students for the Edexcel international GCSE in English Language (Specification A ) exam in June 2015 and later years.


student sat reading a book outside beside a tree

International GCSE English Literature

Oxford Open Learning’s English Literature IGCSE course is designed to prepare students for the Edexcel International GCSE in English Literature (4Et0) for examination in June 2015 or later years.


Books piled on top of one another next to a pen pot with a red book in front titled `English'.

A level English

Our English A level course prepares candidates for the AQA English Language AS level syllabus 1701 for examinations in 2015 and later years. Candidates may wish to add to this qualification by studying the A2 component (syllabus 2701). The full A level comprises AS and A2. This AQA syllabus has been chosen as it is the most suited to distance learning.


several open books with fanned pages

A level English Literature

This course prepares candidates for the AQA English Literature AS level syllabus 1740, for examination in 2015 and later years. Most candidates will then study the A2 syllabus 2740. The full Advanced level qualification comprises AS and A2.


Wooden letter arranging the word English

Everyday Good English

Our course is suitable for anyone who wishes to improve their general standard of English, be it for enhancing job prospects or simply for personal satisfaction.
The Everyday Good English course can also serve as a stepping stone toward GCSE English.


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