Part 01 03

The OOL Memory Matrix

Are you one of those people with an affinity for remembering everything, including important dates and long phone numbers? To find out just how good our memories are, and what that could mean for our future careers, we’ve created the OOL Memory Matrix.

Take the test

Spatial memory

Your spatial memory refers to how well you can retain information that’s presented to you in a very short space of time. For this particular memory type, the information is presented through a sensory means, such as sight, smell, sound, touch and taste.

The test that follows will determine how well you can recall short-term information, so be sure to read the instructions on the next page thoroughly before clicking through.

Keep a close eye on the dots that change colour - notice the order in which they change...
Now select all the dots that changed colour in the order they were presented to you.

Your score

0 / 05

Short-term memory

Short term memory is all about how you can retain information you’re presented with, and how much of it you can remember, within about a 30 second time frame. For most people, the limit of what they can retain seems to be about seven items.

The next test in the quiz will look at how much of a sequence you can recall, right after being shown it.

It’s a simple test, but one you might find harder than you think!

Remember the order of the the coloured shapes that follow...

Now click on the shapes in the correct order.

Your score

0 / 05

Long-term memory

Your long term memory is how well you remember information first presented to you more than a few minutes ago. It breaks down into various different types, as detailed below:

Implicit memory

This refers to things you remember without making the effort to, or not-consciously.

Explicit memory

Contrary to implicit memory, explicit memory is the stuff you actively try to commit to memory.

Declarative memory

This is the area that covers dates, events and facts.

Procedural memory

This refers to how well you’re able to remember how to carry out certain actions.

The following questions are designed to test the different types of memory outlined above. They’re all written questions with multiple choice answers.

It’s a simple test, but one you might find harder than you think!


What year did the EU referendum take place?


In this well-known rhyme, what did Jack and Jill go up the hill to fetch a pale of?


Do you remember the name of your favourite childhood teacher?


Which of the below options lists the countries that make up the United Kingdom?


Your score

0 / 05
Your results


05 05


05 05


05 05

You have a strong spatial memory!

Our test has revealed your strengths lie in recalling information presented to you quickly. Ruth Sparkes, Managing Editor of Future Mag, explains that the following career choices lend themselves well to people with good spatial memory skills.

"These individuals are able to remember structures, three-dimensional images and shapes."